arm being taped

The Journey Through Injury Recovery

Grayson Fertig Injuries happen. Having a plan already in place is the key to getting back to where you were and maybe even beyond. Trust that your body wants to heal, know that your body is pre-wired to repair itself, and believe that the work you’re doing is part of your journey and not a

Golf balls on the grass

The Mindset of Injury Recovery

Grayson Fertig It’s wild to see Tiger Woods back at the top of golf. Not because a comeback never happens, but because I have a sense of the resilience this man has. And I realize that he must also be spiritually brilliant. Back in the day when he was Tiger he was an athletic alien.

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5 Ways to Get Rid of Shin Splints

Ryan Cross, Physiotherapist Pain related to “shin splints” is one of the most common ailments that athletes will complain about. Most runners have had a run-in with the dreaded shin splints at one time or another. Shin splints can be easily identified, but getting rid of the pain can be more difficult. The challenge lies

Foot injury

Strength Training Can Improve Chronic Plantar Fasciitis

Ryan Cross, B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Registered Physiotherapist Do you feel sharp pain on the bottom of your heel during the first few steps you take in the morning? Is heel pain limiting progression of your running program?  You might be dealing with plantar fasciitis.  It is difficult to pronounce, and sometimes even more

dry needling

Reduce & Prevent Injuries With Dry Needling

Ryan Cross, B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Registered Physiotherapist in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Maintaining an active lifestyle has many benefits, but it comes with a risk of pain or injury.  Although muscle soreness is an expected outcome with some exercise programs, when it lingers for days or weeks it can prevent you from staying active.