American College Sports Medicine Conference

Day 2 of the American College of Sports Medicine Conference – 2017

Impacts of Exercise, the Gut Microbiome/Metabolome and Immunity on the Brain Julia Basso – PhD Exercise or prebiotic diet increases stress resistance, modulate stress reactive neurocircuitry, and promote adaptive gut microorganisms (Monika Fleshner, University of Colorado Boulder) The gut is composed of bacteria called the gut microbiome.  Recently, a link has been shown between the

How Much Protein Do Women Really Need?

How Much Protein Do Women Really Need?

Lauren Rubadeau How Much Protein Do Women Need Based on their Activity Level? With New Year’s resolutions in full swing and many looking to improve their health in 2017, I am here today to touch on the significance of protein and just how much of it women need to consume based on their activity level.