Cold water immersion

Cold Water Immersion for Recovery: Friend or Foe?

For decades athletes and weekend warriors alike have been jumping into an ice bath or a cold shower after exercise to enhance recovery. But what if I told you they might be doing more harm than good? What is cold water immersion? Before we jump into the nitty gritty surrounding cold water immersion (also known

Women in a bath

Ice Baths- Help or Hinder?

Dayton Kelly This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2018, most notably Cas Fuchs (Maastricht University, Netherlands).        Immersion in cold water has been long thought to promote exercise recovery by reducing soreness and improving functionality following training. To exert this effect, exposure to cold water was

man swimming in ice hole

The Truth About Cold Therapy And Recovery

Dayton Kelly Time to cancel your next ice bath? The truth about cold therapy. This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2017, most notably Poppendieck, W. et al. . Cold has been long thought to be a cure all for musculoskeletal pain and recovery. Many athletes