Reset your health

Now Is the Time to Reset Your Health

Even though we are living in the most abundant time in human history, chronic disease is at all-time high. The incidence of obesity, diabetes cardiovascular disease, depression, and anxiety are all reaching epidemic proportions. And to top it all off, we are now facing a coronavirus pandemic. Not good. But, in my honest option, this

Can Any Amount of Alcohol Be Part of a Clean Lifestyle?

Alcohol has become an integral part of our social structure. It is consumed in celebration, in sadness, and with dinner. It is often viewed as fuel for a fun night out. A social lubricant that can turn even the most awkward of humans into the life of a party in a mere matter of hours.

Yoga on the beach

Do Genes Dictate Your Health?

Hunter Bennett I would put my money on the fact that the vast majority of you reading this article have some sort of interest in health and fitness. In fact, simply because you are actually reading this article, I would go as far as to suggest that your interest in health is greater than that

group meditating

SXS Health Challenge: A Long-Term Lifestyle Change

Gillian White  – MSc, PhD Candidate, Department of Exercise Sciences, University of Toronto Making lifestyle changes that stick A conversation with the creators of the SXS health challenge In a previous article, I detailed my experience of participating in a health challenge that included a combination of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes. In general, my thoughts