cycling along lake

Carpe Diem, The Series: “SO, YOU THINK YOU’RE PRETTY GOOD, EH?”

Paul Stevens This past weekend, the Manditos (my cycling group in Sarnia) headed to the “thumb of Michigan” where one of our members has a family cottage.  Next time you look at a map, check out the outline of Michigan and you will readily see that, excluding the peninsula, it is the shape of a

Size matters

Carpe Diem, The Series: Size Matters

Paul Stevens Carpe Diem (but in a relaxed sort of way) “SIZE MATTERS” Before you let your mind wander with the title of this article, let me take a step or two back to set the table here.  You may recall that when riding my bike, the wind and I are not on the best

group cycling

Carpe Diem, The Series: Wednesday Night Group Ride

Paul Stevens What a difference a couple of weeks can make!  To this point, we have had very sketchy weather with lots of rain and cool, blustery days.  Then, POOF! All of a sudden, someone found the heat switch and summer-like temperatures have arrived.  The timing for this was a masterstroke as the first warm-up

cycling in rain

Carpe Diem, The Series: Becoming One With The Wind

Paul Stevens Carpe Diem (but in a relaxed sort of way) “GET OUT THE SCUBA GEAR!” By this time of year, we should be able to enjoy the outdoors with seasonably mild temperatures and sunny skies, right?  But noooooo – it has been largely wet and soggy and if it hasn’t been that, it has