Athlete working out

Start Small, Think Big: Strength Begins With Small Changes

From little things, big things grow.  As cliché as it sounds, it is true – especially when it comes to health and fitness. Which is exactly what this article aims to explain. How to properly set workout goals For the longest time it was thought that “SMART” goals were the best way to approach goal


Exercise is Contagious – And Your Ego Drives It

Evan Stevens At Forever Fit Science we’ve previously discussed the benefits of working out in groups. The most recent article, published by Catherine O’Brien, simply titled “Improve Pace by Running With Others,” looked at how running with a group actually improved running performance in a time-trial situation. Now, this is great news for anyone looking


Gender May Affect Exercise Motivation

Catherine O’Brien There is a wealth of research on the role of motivation in exercise adherence and goal pursuit. According to the self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 2000) the underlying motivation for pursuing a goal is a good predictor in the outcome and success of that goal such that when motivation is autonomous, the goal

Recipe For Setting And Achieving Goals

Catherine O’Brien Control, Competence and Connectedness Many people enter the new year with fitness and health goals. Whether it be to lose weight, go to the gym consistently each week, or run a marathon, the New Year is a time to reset and refocus. We are about a month into 2017…how are your health related