Person holding a rail and stretching on a bridge

Do We Really Need A Cool Down After Exercise?

Hunter Bennett I can picture it now. I finally manage to get to the end of a grueling training session, and I start preparing myself to settle down and do some light stretching, before immediately racing home to eat my bodyweight in food. Then I hear the words: “Come on, get up – don’t forget

Man stretch on a bridge

Exercise and the Afterburn Effect

Hunter Bennett When most of us think about exercise, we tend to think about the energy expenditure that particular exercise causes in a somewhat immediate sense.  As in: ‘How many calories will I burn if I perform X exercise for an hour?’ Now don’t get me wrong – there isn’t anything inherently wrong with this

Glass of milk

Is Milk the Perfect Recovery Drink?

Dayton Kelly Optimizing recovery allows you to achieve the most adaptation per workout and reduces the required rest necessary before a subsequent workout. As such, millions of research dollars have been invested into discovering and developing commercial products to do just this. The result has been efficacious, but pricey supplements that are not always financially

Women in a bath

Ice Baths- Help or Hinder?

Dayton Kelly This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2018, most notably Cas Fuchs (Maastricht University, Netherlands).        Immersion in cold water has been long thought to promote exercise recovery by reducing soreness and improving functionality following training. To exert this effect, exposure to cold water was

person stretching

3 Natural Remedies for Sore Muscles

Alyssa Bialowas There’s no better feeling than the rush you get after a great workout, but that night or the next day, your muscles may not be as pleased. Fitness related muscle soreness (also known as DOMS: delayed onset muscle soreness), is caused by micro-tears in the muscle tissue that occur during intensive exercise. DOMS

runner wearing compression socks

Reduce Exercise Fatigue With Compression & Cold Therapy

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas The typical muscle pain that occurs after exercise results from small tears in the fibers of the connective tissues in your body. There are common practices to help re-circulate blood flow and deliver nutrients to the damaged tissue to ease pain and recovery time. Two common ways to reduce negative

mature athlete jump roping

4 Tips To Keep Your HIIT Frequency In Check

Alyssa Bialowas There are countless benefits of high intensity interval training that effect a person’s overall health and mental well being, such as increasing your metabolism which in turn burns more fat, increases your aerobic endurance, zaps more calories in a workout, and increases your overall body strength and body image. We know that participating