
Alzheimer’s Disease- Could Irisin Be the Cure?

Hunter Bennett The one thing that strikes fear into the hearts of most people on this planet is the prospect of losing their mental capacity, such as having Alzheimer’s. To be honest, I am no different. Let’s face it, it’s terrifying. Now, most of you would appreciate that if you don’t actively try and maintain

Men rowing

Cognitive Sports Training: How Can It Improve Performance?

Hunter Bennett Competing and performing in sport requires a huge amount of time, effort, and physical capacity. To perform at a high level, you need the ability to express strength, speed, and power, and maintain a high degree of technical proficiency. It is honestly a whole lot more complex than simply just playing a sport.

Aerobic Exercise and Learning

Does Aerobic Exercise Improve Learning?

This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2018, most notably Einat Kodesh (UNIVERSITY OF HAIFA, ISRAEL).  Dayton Kelly Exercise has demonstrated numerous benefits to cognitive function and memory. Interestingly, it is becoming increasingly apparent that brief periods of aerobic activity can improve our capacity to learn

Woman lifting weights

Does Weightlifting Make You Smarter as You Age?

Evan Stevens New research just published has determined that leg exercises, particularly weight-bearing exercises, send signals to the brain which are of critical importance to neural cell health. This groundbreaking research has shown that neural cell health is as directly linked to the signals back from the large working muscles as are the signals developed

Couple dancing

Do Younger & Older Brains Respond Differently To Dance?

Aga Burzynska, PhD Dance – as a ritual, therapy, and leisure activity – has been known for thousands of years. Today, dance is increasingly used as therapy for cognitive and neurological disorders such as dementia, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease. Yet, the effects of dance training on the brain, such as in young professional dancers, are poorly

woman and man spinning

Improve Fitness To Lengthen Healthspan

By Sara Thompson, M.Sc. in Exercise Science Neural specificity is how well the brain can distinguish one stimulus from another. Or in other words, how well an individual can visually recognize the differences between various images. This response occurs in a part of the brain called the ventral visual cortex and can be measured by

balance training

25 Minutes Of Exercise Can Improve Knowledge

Sara Thompson – M.Sc. in Exercise Science In my previous article, I discussed the use of exercise to improve physical and cognitive function in individuals with hypertension. In this study, Junior and colleagues (Junior et al., 2017) measured improvements in physical function in older individuals with normotension (normal blood pressure) and hypertension (high blood pressure)