Sprinters doing the hurdles on a track

The Biomechanics of Breathing During Sprinting

Sprinting is one of the most physically demanding tasks that the human body can perform. It requires an incredible amount of explosive power, tissue resilience, and motor coordination, in conjunction with a vast body of speed and endurance. But what many people fail to consider is the importance of breathing. Yep, believe it or not,

standing on mountain

Breathing Exercises for Health & Performance

Hunter Bennett When we think of exercise, our minds tend to jump to those that activities that are more physically demanding in nature. Heavy strength training, high-intensity interval training, and Olympic lifting are all great example of physically strenuous exercise modalities that have been shown time and time again to enhance both health and athletic

Everyday Tips To Be More Mindful

Gillian White – MSc, PhD (Candidate), University of Toronto Mindfulness Part II. Everyday tips to be more mindful. As I discussed in the previous article, Mindfulness Part I, the pursuit and practice of mindfulness has a wide variety of benefits relating to your health, happiness, and productivity. In this day and age, where your brain


The Surprising Benefits of Meditation

Julia C. Basso, PhD Using Meditation to Enhance Attention, Emotional Regulation, and Self-Awareness Here at fasttwitchgrandma.com, we are a group of people who love to exercise and are interested in the beneficial effects of exercise on the brain and body.  Most of us, however, cannot (and do not want to) devote our entire day to

Recipe For Setting And Achieving Goals

Catherine O’Brien Control, Competence and Connectedness Many people enter the new year with fitness and health goals. Whether it be to lose weight, go to the gym consistently each week, or run a marathon, the New Year is a time to reset and refocus. We are about a month into 2017…how are your health related

Woman doing yoga

3 Reasons You Should Hit The Yoga Mat

Gillian White – MSc., University of Toronto, Department of Exercise Sciences Recently, I wrote a couple of articles about the mindfulness craze that we seem to be experiencing in our society these days. In Part II of the Mindfulness series, I gave a few ways to incorporate mindfulness into your life. To anyone who practices

Mindfulness – What Does That Even Mean?

Gillian White – MSc, PhD (Candidate), University of Toronto Mindfulness Part I. What does that even mean?? Clearing the mist around what mindfulness means and why it’s not just a trend. If you have a hard time reading this sentence without thinking about your to-do list or reaching for your phone – this one’s for

Soccer workout

3 Easy Exercises for Grandparents

Grayson Fertig When I think about grandmothers and grandfathers, I think about my grandmother and grandfathers and my kids’ grandmothers and grandfathers.  For sure there are incredibly capable older men and women, but even those incredibly capable have still suffered to some degree or another a loss of physical ease across their lifetime. Fatstwitchgrandma is

Yogi Breaths to Strengthen Your Lungs

Author: Fiona Callender Even with healthy aging comes an inevitable steady decline in dynamic respiratory function. There is a reduction in alveolar area (the part of your lung that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide with your blood) starting at the age of 30, with a loss of about 4% per year after that (Bezerra et