Smaller Waistline and Bigger Brain

Leading the Way to a Smaller Waistline and a Bigger Brain

Contributed by Julia C. Basso, Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Center for Neural Science and New York University Smaller Waistline and Bigger Brain A constant regimen of aerobic exercise helps to fight obesity, decrease weight gain over time, and when we do enough of it, get a smaller waistline.  As we exercise and lose weight, another part

mature athlete drinking water

What Toxins Are Lurking In Your Brain?

Julia C. Basso, PhD As a scientist who studies the effects of exercise on the brain, I am always thinking about what exercise-induced factors (from muscles, bones, organs, brain tissue, etc.) cause the beneficial effects on brain function, like improvements in mood and cognition. Recently I started thinking about it another way. What if we


Training Your Body and Brain

Contributed by Julia C. Basso, PhD, Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Center for Neural Science and New York University Training Your Body and Brain Many different forms of exercise exist.  At the gym, we are given options to use the treadmill, stationary bicycle, Stairmaster, elliptical or participate in a yoga, Zumba or spin class.  We are

children running

Study Shows Active Children Are Better At Math

Catherine O’Brien We know that aerobic exercise has positive effects on brain health and cognition. Recently, a greater emphasis has been placed on the relationship between aerobic exercise and brain health in the developmental years.  From a structural point of view, greater physical activity has been associated with increased volume of the hippocampus and dorsal

Lengthen Healthspan Through Exercise

Julia Basso – PhD Youth is a sought after thing.  Doctors, scientists, and many others among us are actively seeking the elusive fountain of youth.  The ultimate question is:  how do we keep our bodies and minds young?  One of my favorite movies, Death Becomes Her, stars Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn.  In it, these

Exercise: A Magic Pill To Help Protect The Brain From Cellular Pathology

Julia Basso – PhD The opening statement in a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association reads, “Pathology is not destiny” (Kuehn, 2015).  This statement is based off of a huge prospective study that followed 2,566 healthy, older adults (ages 65 years and up) for around 16 years.  During the study participants were

Feel Good

Endocannabinoids: The Secret to Why Exercise Makes Us Feel Good

Julia Basso – PhD I just returned from a wonderful vacation in Keystone, Colorado.  Having lived in New Jersey for most of my life and New York City for the past 3 years, I was amazed to see the expansive views that Colorado has to offer.  The Rocky Mountains provided the most beautiful landscape that I

Young Brain

Exercise To Feel, Think, and Act Like a Young Brain – Part 2

Author: Julia C. Basso, PhD Affiliation: Post-doctoral Research Associate, Center for Neural Science, New York University Exercise To Feel, Think, and Act Like a Young Brain – Part 2 Gretchen Reynolds, an exercise blogger for the New York Times, recently wrote a post entitled, “Does exercise help keep our brains young?”  In it, she reported

Parkinson's Disease and Exercise

Exercise To Feel, Think, and Act Like a Young Brain – Part 1

Author: Julia C. Basso, PhD Affiliation: Post-doctoral Research Associate, Center for Neural Science, New York University Gretchen Reynolds, exercise blogger for the New York Times, recently wrote a post entitled, “Does exercise help keep our brains young?”  In it, she reported on recent published research by Dr. Hideaki Soya and his group at the Laboratory