mountain biking in woods

Pedaling Innovations: High-Performing & Comfortable Clipless Pedals

Hank Shell Everyone remembers the first time they ate it on a set of clip in pedals. I remember my first time like it was yesterday. It was crisp November morning at the RAT near Ridgway, Colorado. I was riding a friend’s bike, powering my way upward through stands of juniper and pinyon pine on

cycling along lake

Carpe Diem, The Series: “SO, YOU THINK YOU’RE PRETTY GOOD, EH?”

Paul Stevens This past weekend, the Manditos (my cycling group in Sarnia) headed to the “thumb of Michigan” where one of our members has a family cottage.  Next time you look at a map, check out the outline of Michigan and you will readily see that, excluding the peninsula, it is the shape of a

woman with bike

Carpe Diem, The Series: WHO STOLE SUMMER?

Paul Stevens Looking at the calendar, Labor Day is but a memory and that means that summer if all but done.  I know, you are going to say that summer doesn’t actually end until September 21st but when the kids are back to school and the vacation period is history, summer is effectively done.  But

cycling group

Carpe Diem, The Series: I Didn’t Say It Was Going To Be Easy!

Paul Stevens Up here in the Great White North a.k.a Canada, we have a long weekend on the first weekend of August.  There is nothing of significance that happened around this time, no historical events or birthdate of some revered public figure that we care to celebrate. Nope, it’s just a good excuse to stretch

“150 FOR 150”

Carpe Diem, The Series: “150 FOR 150”

Paul Stevens “150 FOR 150” On July 1st, we in the frozen north a.k.a. Canada, celebrated the 150th birthday of the ‘True north, strong and free’. What better way to mark the occasion than to embark on a 150 km bike ride (just over 92 miles)! As you read this and are sitting there thinking

group cycling

Carpe Diem, The Series: Wednesday Night Group Ride

Paul Stevens What a difference a couple of weeks can make!  To this point, we have had very sketchy weather with lots of rain and cool, blustery days.  Then, POOF! All of a sudden, someone found the heat switch and summer-like temperatures have arrived.  The timing for this was a masterstroke as the first warm-up

spin class

Parkinson’s Disease & Cycling Benefits

Catherine O’Brien Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a disease of the nervous system that is characterized by impaired motor function. This impairment can manifest in various ways including tremor, bradykinesia (slowed movement), rigid muscles, impaired posture, loss of automatic movement and impairment of speech and writing ability (Mayo Clinic, 2015). According to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation,

Get Active With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Gillian White – MSc, PhD (C), University of Toronto, Department of Exercise Sciences Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease causing pain, swelling, and dysfunction of the joints in roughly 1% of adult Americans (Scott, Wolfe, & Huizinga 2010). Because of its autoimmune nature, symptoms can be improved with lifestyle behaviours that reduce inflammation. Although

cycling in the rain

Carpe Diem, The Series: Weather Permitting

Paul Stevens Carpe Diem (but in a relaxed sort of way) “ALL DRESSED UP WITH NO PLACE TO GO!” I’m sitting in the house on a Saturday looking out at what is a cool and miserably wet day.  My fellow Manditos (the bike riding group I pedal with here in Sarnia) had some preliminary thoughts


Breaking Records and Barriers: Robert Marchand

Sara Thompson – M.Sc. in Exercise Science Earlier this year, Robert Marchand made history by setting a new world record for 1-hour track cycling in the 105 and over category. During this prestigious Union Cyclist International (UCI) race, athletes compete against the clock to cover the greatest distance in one hour of cycling. On January

#Dadblog: Rest And Active Recovery

Mike Caterini Key West Florida was the setting for my final Triathlon of the year on December 3, 2016. This Olympic distance triathlon (1.5 km swim, 40 km bike, 10 km run) was completed in the relatively modest time of 3 hr 43 min, which placed me 14 out of 18 participants in the 55

Tempus Fugit

“Tempus Fugit” When You Stay Active

  Paul Stevens Carpe Diem (but in a relaxed sort of way) “TEMPUS FUGIT” I get sucked into the same hole every year.  I repeatedly think that the break offered by the holiday season will provide the time to do a bunch of things from odd jobs around the house to sitting by the fire