The word keto spelled with food

The Effects of Exercising On a High Fat Diet

Hunter Bennett When it comes to diet, there is an incredible amount of information out there – but unfortunately, most of it is somewhat conflicting. There are certain individuals who swear by a high carbohydrate diet, while others will state that adhering to a paleo way of eating is not only the best for health,

people working out

HIIT Responses In Endurance & Sprint Athletes

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas HIIT (high intensity interval training) is a widely popular training method used in both endurance and sprint training. For endurance athletes, HIIT is beneficial in a number of ways, from increasing cardiovascular fitness to promoting healthy blood glucose levels and increasing endurance overall. For sprint athletes, the intense bursts of

Epigenetic Inheritance

Epigenetic Inheritance: Your Children Could Inherit Your HIIT

Dayton Kelly Blowing away long held beliefs of how inheritance operates in humans, comes a new theory that suggests your everyday life may be modifying the set of genetic instructions you transmit to your offspring. That is, physical exercise and a healthy diet prior to impregnation or fertilization (in the case of males) could have

jump rope

A Win-Win Combination – Intervals Vs Endurance (Part 6)

Evan Stevens We’ve seen that HIIT (shorter, highly strenuous bursts of activity separated by periods of low intensity or rest) and CEE (a continuous bout of exercise without a break interval and can be performed at low, moderate, or high intensities) do basically the same thing, relatively speaking. They both tax our aerobic system, they improve our

mature woman working out with trainer

The Brain Effect – Intervals Vs Endurance (Part 5)

Evan Stevens At Forever Fit Science we’ve received a lot of feedback regarding exercise and brain health. Is there a difference between HIIT (shorter, highly strenuous bursts of activity separated by periods of low intensity or rest) and CEE (continuous bout of exercise without a break interval and can be performed at low, moderate, or high