Jump Rope

Can Athletes Benefit from More Mitochondria?

Over the last couple of years, the term “mitochondria” has become a bit of a buzzword in the health and fitness community – but what are they, and how do they impact your health and performance? Well, that is exactly what this article intends to find out. What are mitochondria? Thinking back to high school

Man weightlifting at the gym

The Effects Of Inter-Set Stretching On Muscle Growth

When we think about building muscle, developing strength, and generally increasing performance, strength training often sits right at the top of the lift. Which is fair enough, because it works, and works incredibly well. But what if I was to tell you that there are certain techniques you can implement to improve the results of


The Trap Bar Deadlift: Improve Your Athletic Performance

Hunter Bennett When it comes to improving athletic performance, strength training is king. It can maximize force production, enhance power development, and ultimately make you a more robust and explosive athlete. However, there is a bit of a caveat here. You see, the way in which you chose to implement strength training is of the

man running on a mountain trail

How Hydration Affects Short Endurance Performance

Hunter Bennett Staying adequately hydrated has long been considered one of the most important aspects of sports nutrition. This does seem logical if you think about it. We know that the human body is made up of around 70 percent water. We also know that during prolonged periods of dehydration, you will see changes at

Woman stretching and holding her feet in her hands

The Role Of Foot Strength In Athletic Performance

Hunter Bennett Improving athletic performance is a never-ending endeavor. As a result, we are always on the lookout for new methods of training that can help you jump higher, run faster, and compete at a higher level. Over the last few years we have seen an increase in the use of heavy strength training to

weights at the gym

The Benefits of Sports Variation

Hunter Bennett There is a common line of thought suggesting that to become great at something, you need to focus on that single thing and dedicate as much time to it as humanly possible. For the most part, this does hold some truth to it. To become the best in the world at a given

Woman running in a endurance race

Developing & Maintaining Athleticism

Hunter Bennett When we think of great athletes, we think of their physical skills on the court. Their ability to make the most ridiculous of shots look easy, their ability to seemingly see the play unfold before it even happens, and their ability to beat their opponent in every manner possible. We think of their

Women wearing yellow stretching in a field

How Does the Menstrual Cycle Impact Physical Performance?

Hunter Bennett There is a myriad of factors that affect physical performance capabilities. Things such as training status, emotional state, and of course both current fatigue and recovery status, are some of those that are most heavily discussed and researched. However, over the last few years, evidence has shown that the normal fluctuations in hormone

picture of someone sleeping in a bed

Is Sleep the Missing Link to Athletic Performance?

Hunter Bennett When it comes to maximizing athletic performance, we often find ourselves seeking out complex training methodologies and fancy new pieces of equipment to get an edge on the competition – and as a result, we tend to miss the forest through the trees. While there is nothing inherently wrong with these sorts of

Men rowing

Cognitive Sports Training: How Can It Improve Performance?

Hunter Bennett Competing and performing in sport requires a huge amount of time, effort, and physical capacity. To perform at a high level, you need the ability to express strength, speed, and power, and maintain a high degree of technical proficiency. It is honestly a whole lot more complex than simply just playing a sport.

two men biking

Becoming an Unbreakable Athlete

Hunter Bennett The primary role of coaches and sports practitioners alike is to create robust athletes. Athletes capable of tolerating high training loads. Athletes that are capable of meeting the rigors of competition without a second thought. Athletes who are strong, explosive, quick, and most of all, resilient. Athletes who are unbreakable.  What is an

ab roller

How Core Strength Effects Athletic Performance

Alyssa Bialowas What is Core Strength? Your core is a complex series of muscles that extend far beyond your abs and is incorporated in almost every movement of the human body. Strong core muscles act as isometric or dynamic stabilizers for movement; transfers force and can initiate movement on its own. Why is Core Strength