medicine ball squats

Keep Moving – Aerobic Exercise Increases College GPAs

Julia C. Basso, PhD Reporting from the 2017 Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting (Basso JC, Crosta C, Raskin M, Wang A, Kadakia D, Choi J, Milburn E, Trivedi R, Suzuki WA) Long-term aerobic exercise enhances mood state and improves a range of cognitive functions including attention, information processing speed and both short- and long-term memory. Though

mature woman trail running

Sense & Movement – A Surprisingly Unique Phenomenon

Julia C. Basso, PhD Reporting from the 2017 Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting The ability to adapt your movement to signals or cues in the environment is known as sensorimotor adaptation, the focus of one of the many minisymposiums at the conference. Dr. Rachael Seidler and her colleagues at the University of Florida study this