Improve Your Sprinting Technique & Form

John Trautmann is a 1992 US Olympian and 1- mile run World Record holder for men aged 45-49. Learn the key principles of sprinting form and technique as John demonstrates the mechanics involved:

  1. Sprinting Posture
    • Relax your face, neck, and shoulders
    • Run tall
    • Keep your head up
  2. Arm Action
    • Keep elbows bent at 90 degrees
    • Drive elbows back
    • Keep hands relaxed
  3. Leg Swing Cycle
    • Bring heels close to the butt as possible
    • Drive knees up
  4. Hip Drive
    1. Drive your hips forward
    2. Don’t reach with your feet
  5. Mid-Foot Landing
    1. Land on the middle of your foot
    2. Spring off into your next stride

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