woman holding a pillow over her head

Menopause and Sleep

Hunter Bennett Menopause is commonly considered to be one of the most trying times in a woman’s life. A time of vast change, it comes with a number of unique effects that can make even the most menial of tasks seem like a real challenge. Interestingly, there is even some evidence to suggest that it

two men biking

Becoming an Unbreakable Athlete

Hunter Bennett The primary role of coaches and sports practitioners alike is to create robust athletes. Athletes capable of tolerating high training loads. Athletes that are capable of meeting the rigors of competition without a second thought. Athletes who are strong, explosive, quick, and most of all, resilient. Athletes who are unbreakable.  What is an

arm being taped

The Journey Through Injury Recovery

Grayson Fertig Injuries happen. Having a plan already in place is the key to getting back to where you were and maybe even beyond. Trust that your body wants to heal, know that your body is pre-wired to repair itself, and believe that the work you’re doing is part of your journey and not a

standing on mountain

Breathing Exercises for Health & Performance

Hunter Bennett When we think of exercise, our minds tend to jump to those that activities that are more physically demanding in nature. Heavy strength training, high-intensity interval training, and Olympic lifting are all great example of physically strenuous exercise modalities that have been shown time and time again to enhance both health and athletic

Plyometrics and athletic performance

Plyometric Training to Enhance Performance

Hunter Bennett When it comes to maximizing the athletic performance of any sporting endeavor, it is in your best interest to find and use training methods that provide you with the most bang for your buck. This is ultimately why strength training has become an integral component of literally every athlete’s training regime – because

Reaction Time

Reaction Time Test: Improving Your Time

Evan Stevens Aging sucks. While some argue that aging is a wonderful part of life, that it gives us experience and allows us to better know ourselves, at the end of the day, it really sucks. We wake up stiff, it takes us longer to do things and in general, we slow down. We cannot


Three Types of Exercise for Reducing Anxiety

Most of us have experienced anxiety at one time or another. Whether it be jitters about starting a new job, increased heart rate before a big presentation or exam, or general uneasiness and nerves when the clock strikes 5 pm on a Sunday and the weekend comes to a close. While these everyday instances of

3 benefits of CrossFit

3 Benefits of CrossFit

Alyssa Biawolas CrossFit remains to be one of the most popular and most controversial fitness trends. It focuses on varying functional movements in a high-intensity setting (for a full definition see here). In the article, you will learn 3 benefits of CrossFit.  HIIT challenges people to improve their fitness by building their strength and enhancing their

downhill skier

4 Ways to Overcome Sports Performance Anxiety

Alyssa Bialowas Competition anxiety is common in athletes, especially if they struggle to deliver performance. It’s the feeling of stress and pressure right before a competition that can be harmful to athletes and if it’s bad enough, can even lead to an athlete dropping out of a competition altogether. With the high amount of pressure

people jumping

3 Benefits of Exercise and Mental Health

Alyssa Bialowas The Mental Benefits of Exercise While the physical benefits of exercise are well documented, there are numerous mental health benefits of exercise. If you’ve ever left a workout feeling on top of the world, you’ve experienced the mind-body link, but did you know physical exercise can also improve your mental health? Approximately one

runner running through city

How To Treat 7 Common Running Injuries

Ryan Cross, B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Registered Physiotherapist in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Running is an activity that can provide many benefits. It improves cardiovascular function, aids in weight control, and can alleviate stress.  Runners don’t like to stop their running routine, even if pain or injury develops.  Seeking professional help can go a long

practicing meditation

Go Forth & Be Mindful

Hank Shell Well, folks, 2017 is drawing to a close, there’s still no natural snow in my neck of the woods, and suffice it to say that spirits are dwindling here in the sere and barren mountains of San Miguel County, Colorado. Well, perhaps there’s a bit of holiday cheer going around, if you’re into