
Women & High Intensity Interval Training – Ebook

women exercising

Research poll after research poll, male and female adults express that one of the biggest barriers they face to frequent exercise is lack of time. One common assumption is that exercise and physical activity at moderate-intensity for a long period is the superior way to burn fat and improve your overall body composition, which is heavily debated. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the most time-efficient form of exercise to adapt body composition and improve various health-related indices in adults at various ages.

Five ways that HIIT improves body composition in women:

  1. HIIT increases muscle oxidative capacity in overweight women;
  2. Increases the capacity for fat oxidization during exercise in women;
  3. Lowers cardiometabolic risk in healthy women;
  4. Optimizes glycemic control in women with type II diabetes;
  5. Increases exercise performance in women over the long-term.

Read more about the benefits and impacts of HIIT on women in this ebook presented by Forever Fit Science. 

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