
Post Thanksgiving Detox Tips

family laughing and walking

By Alyssa Bialowas

My favorite meal of the year is fast approaching, and this year I have a plan to recover from the overindulgence and the ensuing lethargy that follows. Wine, turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, roasted vegetables, gravy, pumpkin pie and so much more, there’s no holding back at Thanksgiving and you deserve to treat yourself.

Here are 5 helpful detox tips after overindulging this week –

1. Eat a fiber-rich breakfast the morning after.

The last thing you want to do when you’re recovering from overindulging is to repeat the mistakes you made the night prior with a massive brunch filled with carbohydrates, sugar, and fat.

In addition to the Greek yogurt parfait, chai oatmeal is a fiber-rich option for breakfast that will get your digestive system running. For the chai oatmeal recipe, the key ingredients are organic oats, apple cider, pear, cranberries, cinnamon, vanilla, and low-fat milk.

Adding pear and cranberries boosts the antioxidant content of your breakfast, and the high water content will aid in further rehydration

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2. Target your alcohol hangover with water and Greek yogurt parfaits!

When you’re feeling bloated, overstuffed and lethargic after you’ve broken a new personal record in a number of helpings the night prior, it’s important to rehydrate with water. Water will ease your food and alcohol hangover by rehydrating your body.

Ingesting fructose will help your body burn lingering alcohol, so make sure you add honey to your Greek yogurt parfait, as well as nuts for protein to boost your energy. Adding nuts like pistachios have high vitamin B6 levels, which is said to ease hangover symptoms.


3. Get outside

If the thought of a workout the day after you overindulged seems overwhelming, I’m right there with you.

Give yourself a break with your regular workout schedule on days like this. Stay active and move your body to get that blood flowing. Go for a brisk walk, soak up some rays, and grab your bike to grab a coffee and head to the park. You’ll be surprised how accomplished and fresh you feel after even a short amount of time outside.

Something as simple as taking the stairs can also make a huge difference. Stair climbing has been shown to not only improve fitness but also to decrease cholesterol levels and body fat (Borehams, Wallace & Nevill, 2000; Allison, Martin, MacInnis, Gurd & Gibala, 2016; Ilmarinen, Ilmarinen, Koskela, et al., 1979).

A 2017 study conducted on 31 sedentary women found a 7% increase in VO2max following 6 weeks of stair climbing training. This indicates that stair climbing is a good way to improve cardiorespiratory function (Allison, Baglole, Martin, Macinnis, Gurd & Gibala, 2017).

Not only does stair climbing burn calories (0.11kcal/step) but it also helps tone and strengthens the lower body (Teh & Aziz, 2002; Loy, Conley, Sacco, et al., 1994). A more recent study suggests that stair climbing can reduce the risk of cardiometabolic diseases – such as type 2 diabetes and obesity – by reducing peak postprandial glucose levels (Moore, Bartholomae, Ward, Johnson, & Kressler, 2018).

4. Stretch

When you get in from your walk, stretch it out. Do this on your own, with family, with a friend, start a little yoga session, as there are many poses in yoga that aid the digestive process.

After a meal like Thanksgiving dinner, the high fat content of the food, coupled with the alcohol intake, are very taxing on your liver as it is processing everything you consume.

Yoga poses that are said to aid liver function and aid the digestive process: downward facing dog, cobra pose, cow pose and cat pose.

Downward Facing Dog

Related Article: How Will Turkey Dinner Impact Your HIIT Workout?

Cobra Pose

Cat/Cow Pose

5. Eat foods that are high in potassium and salt!

Replenish your salt and potassium levels after a night of drinking with a recipe that is also low in fat. High-fat foods sit in your stomach for a longer period of time, so refrain from eating meats that are high in fat such as pork and beef. 

Black bean hearty vegetarian chilly is a great option, and the spice you add can be the key to reducing inflammation and pain you’re feeling. The key ingredients are black beans, vegetable broth, chili powder, and one medium winter squash.

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